
Maya and Zoque artists associated with Galería MUY include established and emerging creators in major contemporary art media. All of them were born and currently live in Chiapas and maintain their residences both in San Cristóbal and in their places of origin. The gallery specializes in multiple media, such as painting, textiles, photography, sculpture, video, installation, performance, and sound art. Representing a group of artists distinguished by their sharpness and forcefulness. Artists who do not have individual workshops use creative production spaces at Galería MUY.

Abraham Gómez
Antún Kojtom
Carlos de La Cruz
Cecilia Gómez
Darwin Cruz
Genaro Sántiz
Gerardo K'ulej
Humberto Gómez
Juan Chawuk
Kayúm Ma'ax
Manuel Guzmán
Marco Girón
Maruch Méndez
Maruch Sántiz
P.T’ul Gómez
PH Joel
Raymundo López
Säsäknichim Martínez
Saúl Kak
Xun Betan