Gender relations

Now the four women artists who exhibit at the MUY Gallery break down barriers and open up the aesthetic experience to everyone.

Many speak of a “communitarian feminism” because Western feminism does not fully coincide with the social-cultural movement of women who fight machismo in their own way in traditionalist indigenous communities. An affirmation of difference and openness to diversity unfolds. This is explored in contemporary Mayan and Zoque art.

Relaciones de género



Reflections Conversation on contemporary indigenous art in museums in Mexico Challenge the world from the community The Mayan artistic praxis / zoque de Chiapa The...

Obra de Maruch: Smoton jk’ajvaltik

Maruch Méndez: Impacts on our art

La Galería MUY presenta obras de Maruch Méndez, con gran gusto y orgullo, como una oportunidad de apreciar su trabajo muy prolífico en los últimos...