
Tana vo’ne: Removal and reinvention of memory

Ja’chka’itik k’usi smelol li ch’ul mutetike / This is how we understand sacred messenger birds

Antún Kojtom: Mut Ch’ulelal / Nagual Birds

Dyg’nojoch: Jisbil spak’bal na / Urban paint streaks
Dyg’nojoch Jisbil spak’bal na / Urban paint streaks Jisbil spak’bal na (manchas urbanas) es una recopilación de obras que invita a disfrutar la exploración artística de Dyg’nojoch [Yabteclum, Ch’enalho, 1989, y nativo de Jobel (San Cristóbal de las Casas)]. ¿Qué…

Spatel Nopvenetik / Shaping ideas

Skuxlejal antsetik / Life of women

Genaro Sántiz: Pox, soul medicine
Genaro Sántiz Pox, medicine of the soul Photograph of Genaro Sántiz April-may 2022 The Galería MUY is pleased to present a complex and fascinating exhibition by the artist Genaro Sántiz (Cruzton, Chamula; 1979) inspired by pox (also spelled posh). As…

Ts’ ibabil k’ op yaye ch’ ulelal / The carved language of ch’ulel
Antún Kojtom Ts’ ibabil k’ op yaye ch’ ulelal The carved language of ch’ulel This installation of more than 400 engravings by Maestro Antún Kojtom is an event of unfolding in scales: it takes the large form of some forms…